
I wanted to share the process of making Soup. Here is a print of fly body parts. I had the most fun animating the stages of the fly.

Storyboard for Soup.

Masks. I had a challenge trying to make a mask with a movable jaw. Made different masks before settling with a mask made out of paper that I painted over and covered in a thin layer of clay. For the jaw, I cut the sides and reattached with liquid latex. Although the human character does not have a name, I refer to him as Adam.

Teeth and nails. I used polymorph plastic to make the nails and gums. To color the plastic, I mixed it with food coloring while it was still pliable. To attached the fake teeth to the gums, I used cyanoacrylate adhesive and some of the leftover plastic.
The hardest parts was filming the human scenes. Since it was just me, I had to make sure everything was ready to film before I put on the gloves and mask. Each scene took days of planning and one day of shooting. The cutting board scene had to be done in one take since I only had one set of my molded fingers.

Greenscreen shots

Stove and background renders